Distinguishing True or False

Published on by 王哲王

The word 真(zhen1)假(jia3), meaning true and false, seems very easy for students who are taking the hanbridge Mandarin online lessons. However, it has very different or opposite meanings when used in different situations.

If 真假(zhen1jia1)is used as a noun, such as分不清真假(fen1bu4qing1 zhen1jia3), it has a basic meaning of true and false. We usually use it as a neutral word, and it has the same meaning with the adverbs 真的(zhen1de)and 假的(jia3de).So in this situation, the three words can be replaced with each other.

Furthermore, the word真假 has another meaning that something is so false. In this situation, 真 is used as an adverb, for example, 这部手机真假(zhe4 bu4 shou3ji1 zhen1jia3), this sentence means that the phone is a fake. This is a ubiquitous phenomenon during if you want to begin Chinese study, many Chinese word looks like the same, but they could have extremely different meanings by speaking in different tones. The key factor is to learn the word in the dialogue, and attend some Chinese training to understand the meaning of different tones.

To be true or false, this is a problem. Here is a dialogue about 真假,read it and answer the question.

A:你的头发真黑!(ni3 de1 tou2fa4 zhen1hei1)


A:真的假的?(jia3de1? Zhen1de 1jia3de1?)


Question: is B’s hair true or false?

The right answer is A’hair is false. The first zhen1 A says is an adverb, which modifies the word hei1, its meaning is your hair is so black. What B says then is my hair is false, and the second zhen1 and jia3 A asks means that what B said is true or false. B answers True! So B’s hair is false.

So this is the introduction about distinguishing true or false, and if you are thinking about taking online hanbridge Mandarin lessons, you can also follow my posts and we will provide more about Chinese for you to better help you with your Chinese.

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